Wednesday, 3 April 2013

A Spiritual life grows out of Ordinary ‘Lived’ experience.

Something that makes a definition of spirituality difficult is that it is made up of multiple components. Being in relationship is pretty fundamental; and whatever helps me to relate with more authenticity in those relationships - to myself, Mother Earth, the people in my life or what constitutes the 'divine' for me. My life's purpose is often defined by my love or care for another or for the environment or for God. It is in relating that I find who I am as a person.

Recent workshops in Mornington have helped me live this kind of spirituality.

Getting my three centres - head, heart and gut - oriented to my authentic self and to the ultimate meaning in my life, not only gave me a new take on the Enneagram, it helped me to focus on the meaning I put on my human/spiritual life. Gerry O'Neill's presentation of The Enneagram for our Core Group Retreat late last year was very helpful.

John Doherty's Human and Spiritual Development Workshop over the summer held both Irish enchantment and the wisdom of a spiritual master. I learned, with chair work and moving bodies i.e. the participants bodies, that being 'centred' is an option in the midst of life's confusing distractions, whether those distractions are positive or negative. There is something beyond my surface self - which when I am there, gives my life greater meaning and purpose.

In the Story Telling conference of a few weeks ago, I had the privilege of space, time and tools to touch meaning through performance poetry and the nested possibilities within poetry for stories; I had time and tools to reflect on the places that have been important in my life and the stories these places generate within me. And the opportunity was given me to reflect on the mystery questions and  messages I give and receive when I am relating to others - for good hopefully - though the possibility of pain is not rejected. Sue Tweg, Mary Darcy and Jan Coleman led us on a profound journey of relating, authenticity and purpose.

All of these experiences remind me that my spiritual life grows out of my ordinary lived experience. Everything I say or do or even think, matters. Thanks to all our presenters and to those who organised the events.  I am richer for the encounter.

~ Columba 

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