Thursday 9 August 2018

Travel makes the world a smaller place…

I have just returned from my first ever trip to Bali – what a beautiful place and the people are warm and friendly. It was exactly what I needed to restore my cold bones; I relaxed, explored, swam, shopped, walked and walked, made new friends, enjoyed the friend I was with, I laughed with strangers and had a ball.

What is it about travelling that compels me to connect with people I don’t know more deeply than I do at home?

While I was away I wasn’t shy to ask strangers for directions, share a joke with the pool bar staff, or help a stranger with her English language speaking project. I offered tips to my driver/waiters and was fascinated by the stories behind the smiles of the locals I encountered.

Is it because of the change of scenery, or having a relaxed state of mind? I’m home again now trying to harness this relaxed attitude into my everyday life…

Counting down the days until my next trip…. :)

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